Sunday, June 8, 2008

game 2

As game two of the finals approaches tonight, I wonder if I will make it though it this time. I wrote that I just couldn't help myself, that I would watch the NBA finals, well that wasn't entirely true. I watch the first quarter, then my finance came home and I didn't really care enough about the game to stay up and watch it. I have a 6 and 1/2 month old daughter, so I need my sleep when I can get it. Plus having sex, twice, was a better option at the time. I don't feel like I missed anything. It is game one, no big deal. Tonight I think I will watch a little of it, but again, I really don't think I will stay up for the entire thing. I just don't care as much as I use to, or thought I would. Maybe I am still too bitter about the Pistons winning, maybe I am tired of the media talking about how great this series is, or maybe I am just getting a little older, where my life can't revolve around sports anymore, since I have a daughter and soon to be wife. Now don't get me wrong, I am still a big sports fan, and if the Pistons were in the finals you better believe I would watch every second, but if my team isn't in it, why bother? But I will try to see how much I can take tonight. I think the Celtics will win again, and I think we saw why in game one, here in the finals Kobe forget how they got their, and he went back to taking lots of shots, 26 shots for 24 points is not where you want him to be. So I see him getting around 25-30 points in every game this series, but needed to shoot to much to do it, and I am standing by my Celtics in 6 prediction.

Big Brown, let down, I wish I actually did what I said jokingly before the race and put $100 down on the 38-1 odd horse. I would have won $3,800. I could have used that. Anyway I don't really care, it is just one of those things that people want to see greatness, and I think a lot of people though Big Brown was great, and was going to get it down.

Big thanks to the Tigers, not only did they come back and win yesterday vs the tribe, but then minor got it close enough in the 9th for Todd-o to come in and get the save, which my fantasy team appreciates. so thank you Zach minor. Hopefully they can win today and take 2 out of 3, that is all they need to do, just start winning some series, and get back in this thing. I'm right, you're wrong.

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