Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why girls under 21 are fun

Real quick, this has nothing to do with sports, but I think it is a funny story, so I am going to share. Last night for new years, I went out with my very soon to be wife, and two of my former roommates who were both in town, and then another buddy of ours. The guys not having anyone my wonderful wife to be made it her job to try to find them girls. My one buddy in particular, we will call him Phil, because that's his name. So we all went on the dance floor and Stephanie would keep going up to random girls and playing the "my friend is from out of town and doesn't know anyone, he's really cute, but really shy" card, and it worked well, Phil danced with a few different girls, and whatever, the night was going ok. Then she found this group of like 3 or 4 girls and they all started to dance with him, now since I am a guy and use to doing this the first thing I notice when I am at this bar, because it is 18 and up, not 21 and up, is does the girl have a X on her hand. Since the X means under 21. Well these girls happened to have that much dreaded, or great, X depending on your views and goals for the evening. So right away, I was upset, come on Steph you know better, girls with a X will mean a few things
1) they are stupid, and annoying
2) they want you to buy them drinks, not because they like you, and want to hang out all night with you.. but because they can't buy them for themselves.

So Phil being the pushover that he is, brought this girl a drink. She then went to the bathroom to puke. I wish I could tell you that is where the story stops, but that would be untrue. So we stay around that area that we were at on the dance floor, and the girl came back after awhile, now at about 2:35am or so, me and my beautiful bride left ( I was actually very proud of her she lasted that long, she doesn't drink much anymore.) So what happened while we were gone, well Phil must have looked down his pants and found a set, because enough things happened for him to go home with her. Now a few things you need to remember, she just threw up, and she is 19, he is 25. So they went back to her place, and I guess my boy made me proud and hit that, the rumor, even in the butt, though that can not be confirmed or denied. He then pulled out and blew it on her tits. He then called my other ex roommate who picked him up, For some reason he had her shoes and took them with him, I wish I could tell you why, but I have no idea. When he left today, he didn't take them, so my other old roommates threw them outside in a big pile of snow. Now a few things to take from this story:

1) If you want to get some, you can, as long as you don't care by who
2) Girls under 21 at a 18 and over club are the easiest girls in the world to hit on, because the first line of " can I buy you a drink." has a 99% chance of her saying yes
3) Don't be shy, if you are a guy and you want to dance with a girl, or you think a girl is cute, grow a pare and do it, there is nothing worse then sitting alone that night wondering what would have happened. It is better to try and get shot down, then you know you can move on to the next one
4) My wife, very soon to be, is really funny when she is drinking, and is a really really good "wing women" I love how she goes up to random girls and gets them to dance with one of my best friends... kind of like I would do, only she is better looking.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun new year, and 2009 is a great year for all of you. I'm right, you're wrong

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